Kyra is lucky to share a secluded courtyard area with other businesses using the Central Methodist Church premises in St Saviourgate. Now that lockdown is over, Kyra volunteers have been working hard to reclaim and restore the courtyard, planting new flowers and shrubs and tidying up after a year of neglect. The courtyard will be used for small groups or one-to-one meetings outside, to reduce the risk of Covid.

#WomensServicesMap, is your go-to directory for gender-specific support across the UK. Whether it’s legal aid or mental health support, the WSM empowers you on your journey to a brighter future. Find us and 75+ other women’s organisations on the #WSM:

A huge thank you to James College Netball Team for raising £1000 for Kyra Women's Project. 👏 If any other organisations would like to organise a fundraiser for Kyra please do not hesitate to get in touch.